Meet Nathan
Capturyd Studios actually started as a wedding only photography business. I have been shooting wedding photography for 20 years, and back in 2015 started playing more and more with video. I fell in love with the process of creating videos!
I still shoot weddings (you can check out the links at the bottom of the page to find out more!), but as I explored more and more with video, I found I love creating content for other businesses as well. This lead me to split off and brand my wedding work under Nathan Hans, and let Capturyd Studios be for commercial work.
I currently live in Sheridan, WY with my beautiful and adventurous wife Christine (who we call Tia!) and five kiddo's. We love to travel and are actually playing with the idea of season RV living and expanding into south markets (ok, climates!)
Dinosaur Ridge in Denver with the family: Brendyn, Tyvan, Liam, Wyatt, and Capri!